Why Fitness Apparel?
How do you care for the one body given to you to last your lifetime? The one made in God's image and likeness? How does the clothing you put on to start your day influence your attitude towards your tasks ahead? Does it reflect the "you" that you love most?
Prosper's mission is to provide a building block for people to grow into premier versions of themselves in order to achieve their fullest God-given potential. Our method is to embed meaning and significance into the carefully selected pieces that make up our brand. An important connection exists between all of us searching for a greater purpose for our lives and the way in which we care for our bodies.
Whether you reserve your fitness apparel for your workouts, or you rock it all day long for that oh-so-comfy, move-with-you kind of feel, our mission is relevant to you.
It should come as no surprise to anyone that physical activity is imperative to maintaining our physical and mental health. Alternatively stated, we must be functionally able and energized to do God's work. It's not about aesthetics or being the fittest person in the room. It's not about living to 100. It's about doing the work that God has set out for you with an inspired (and healthy) heart. Some estimates put the number of miles Jesus walked to spread his word and ministry at approximately 3,000 miles. That's an average of about 20 miles a day! Doesn't look like Jesus shied away from a good workout. 💪
How can your life take an immediate positive shift TODAY? Have you been taking care of you lately? That might be the first step. The old adage that "You can't pour from an empty bucket" rings true. When you step up to care for your own health and needs, the energy, mindset, and opportunities follow.
We want our logo to motivate you to push harder during your toughest workouts. We want it to pick you up and propel you forward after the beratement from a disgruntled client, the toddler tantrums and blowout diapers, another proposal rejection, a hurtful comment from a close friend, or the sting of doubt cast upon your dream. We want it to motivate you to push past disappointment and skepticism and strive for something that makes you feel like the powerful leader that God needs you to be.
With Prosper, we hope you can be reminded of the love God has for you and the ways in which we are called to pursue something greater. We are all given gifts, unique to our own body and soul, that will allow us to perpetuate kindness, unity, comfort, peace, joy, gratitude, and, above all things, LOVE.