I'm Angie, the founder of Prosper Fitness Apparel, and it's an honor to be able to share this premium activewear collection with you.
Prosper began as a simple yet profound decision: to say "yes" to something HARD, not knowing exactly where it would lead. I believe everyone can harness the transformative power of stepping outside their comfort zone and embracing new challenges.
Prosper's Story
My husband and I were incredibly blessed as we started our family, having four children in just four and a half years. Just a few short years into motherhood, I was reduced to feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and quite lost. After having my third baby, I experienced a period of PPD and questioned much about who I was and what this new phase of life meant for me. Through my prayers and exploration over the challenging year that followed, I found a few things to be true:
Prioritizing exercise and overall health are so vital to being the people God created us to be. My own identity as a daughter of Christ and my responsibilities as a mom, a wife, and a business owner are so strongly connected to the prioritization of healthy habits and routines.
Letting go of limitations of what was possible in all areas of life allows us to unlock the amazing potential and gifts that we may have forgotten. Parts of me that I thought were lost through my journey into motherhood resurfaced by fully embracing challenges set before me.
- Above anything else, I found God’s countless Biblical promises of prosperity uplifting and encouraging as I embraced my new-found identity.
Our Mission
At Prosper, our mission is to inspire and empower individuals to never stop working to achieve better versions of themselves and to pursue a life centered around our God-given potentials, ultimately enhancing the families, neighborhoods, and communities to which we belong. We want to remind everyone that their inherent value far exceeds what they may perceive, a value that is assigned through God alone.
We are building a community of incredible individuals that are striving for “more.” Pursuing dreams that scare them, challenging self-doubt, and uncovering an authentic identity rooted in Christ’s vision for our lives.
We are proud to call southeast Wisconsin our home, and we believe in giving back to our community that supports and inspires us. A portion of our proceeds go directly to Hope Street Ministry, a nonprofit organization located at 26th and Capitol in Milwaukee. This incredible ministry resonates with our own values and mission, and we look forward to sharing our resources with them as they work to provide housing and community to those who need it. Read more about Hope Street Ministry and the amazing work they do here.
The Tree
Life is tough. Our culture can be toxic. Good can be distorted to look too challenging or unattainable, and bad can be dressed up to look oh so tempting...
The symbol of our brand—a thriving tree—serves as a powerful reminder of what deep roots and abundant growth can mean in your life. We encourage you to embrace challenges with faith, believing that God has a unique purpose for each of us.
We offer high-quality activewear staples that are designed to remind you of the worthwhile pursuit of hard things in order to flourish and grow. Our carefully selected pieces are tangible reminders of what we strive for, what God knows we’re capable of, and what makes life worth living.
Check Out Our Blog
Be sure to check out our blog post "Why Fitness Apparel?" to learn more about why we love sharing our mission through the use of sports bras, leggings, and sweatshirts!