Welcome to Prosper!

"They are like a tree planted near streams of water, that yields its fruit in season; it's leaves never wither. Whatever they do prospers."

Psalm 1:3

I'm so glad you're here!

At Prosper, we believe in the transformative power of stepping outside your comfort zone and embracing new challenges. Our journey began with a simple, yet profound, decision: to say "yes" to something HARD, not knowing exactly where it would lead. As a mom of four young children, I found inspiration in the chaos of daily life and the unwavering strength of community. That spark ignited the creation of Prosper.

**Our Story**

Prosper is a small, family-owned business located in southeastern Wisconsin. A dream of building an organization rooted in love, resilience, and a commitment to uplift those around us began back in 2008 when founders Matt and Angie Losiniecki first met in high school. Over years of shared life experiences, marriage, and four incredible children, Matt and Angie created Prosper in April 2024 with a mission to enhance our community through the power of a healthy mind and body centered around Christ’s vision for our lives.

We are proud to call Milwaukee our home, and we believe in giving back. That’s why 10% of our profits go directly to a nonprofit organization in the Milwaukee area called Hope Street Ministry. We choose to support this incredible organization that resonates with our own values and vision. Prosper is not just a brand; we’re committed to fostering growth and connection within the community to which we belong.

**Our Mission**

At Prosper, our mission is to empower individuals to become the best versions of themselves and to pursue their God-given potential. We want to remind everyone that their inherent value far exceeds what they may perceive, a value that is assigned through God alone.

The symbol of our brand—a tree—serves as a powerful reminder of what deep roots and abundant growth can mean in your life. We encourage you to embrace challenges with faith, believing that God is preparing you for something miraculous. Each of us is crafted with a unique purpose, and our goal is to inspire you to PROSPER.

**Our Invitation to You**

What dreams are stirring in your heart? What incredible possibilities are waiting for you, but you haven’t dared to explore them? How long have those dreams been calling to you?

Fear and excuses can limit our potential; thus, they do not come from God. Today, we invite you to take one step toward that dream, however small it may seem. Who knows where that step will lead you tomorrow.

You are the vessel. Let God do the rest.

You Are Made For More.

Thank you for being a part of our journey. Together, let’s grow, thrive, and Prosper!


Be sure to check out our blog post "Why Fitness Apparel?" to learn why we love sharing our mission through the use of sports bras, leggings, and sweatshirts!